Thursday, January 26, 2023

Is Nepal a third world country?

 Is Nepal a third-world country?


 First, we have to understand the meaning of the terms - First World, Second World, and Third world. It is discrimination to divide the world into 3 parts: RICH, MIDDLE, AND POOR.

        Who is there to decide to divide the beautiful world into pieces, World Bank or the World Monetary fund? They have no right to divide the world. The world is only one and there is no division.

The world third country means very offensive, outdated, and humiliating. They want to say that third world means, poor, dirty, stupid, war-ravaged, undeveloped, and so on. But who are they to decide who we are? I only see humans and I only see one world.

The so-called big power has no right to decide this and they have no right to discriminate with terms of first, Second, and third.

        The problem is that we all neighborhood countries fight with each other and we all countries with economically worst than developed ones hate each other and by the time developed countries love to call us the citizen of the third country.

Conclusion - if you want to know my opinion, Nepal is not a third country because we are very rich, living with our pride not only that we have been living in the lap of mountains. We have helped the British with a lot of money and soldiers. But due to our corrupt leaders and political instabilities in the country, our pride is humiliated. So, Nepal is not the third country not only that all countries are the same and beautiful. There is no first, second third because it is the same earth and one world.

        We can't compare the world by only by wealth but we have to compare the beauty of the country with the natural beauty. In this case, Nepal is the most beautiful country in the world. It's a piece of heaven on Earth.

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